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Data Science Pathways Course

Data Science Pathways is a world-class Data Science course that is fully online, with bonus access to experienced professors from the Texas State University System, designed to create successful pathways to a degree, a certification, or even a fast-tracked career in this high-demand industry.



The Need for Skilled Data Scientists is Growing Rapidly


Expected career growth for data scientists and other mathematical science occupations between 2019 to 2029₁


Average annual pay for data scientists and other mathematical science occupations in 2020₂

Top 3

4 consecutive years in a row, Data Scientist has ranked within the top-3 best jobs in America₃



Get Hired by a Global Organization Located Here in Texas

All of the organizations below hire ABDA™ Certified Professionals, and many more.

Collection of Global Organization logos



Why Take this Course?

  • High-Demand Skills:
    Our program is accredited by DASCA, the worldwide leader in data science, and brought to you by experienced faculty from universities located across Texas. Your education will be highly relevant and valuable to you and the Texas workforce.
  • Flexibility:
    The high demand for current data science skills combined with your chaotic schedule requires a flexible way to access new and relevant information in your field of study. We designed this course to be fully online and completed in under a year so you can jumpstart your career.
  • Accessibility:
    Any working aged Texan can take this 10-block course and earn credit from public universities in Texas. To maximize the opportunity, students with at least 60 hours of college credit or professionals with on-the-job experience, can take a final DASCA exam to earn a professional ‘ABDA™’ certification (Associate Big Data Analyst).
  • Value:
    Rather than investing years into learning a single discipline, you’ll gain industry-leading skills from a large & diverse community in a discipline that transcends all industries. To add to that value, this certification can also be converted into college credits within the Texas State University System. Check out all of the pathways this course can create for you!


Program your brain, Expedite your career

Click below to learn more about the Data Science Pathways course and sign up.