To help create a skilled and knowledgeable workforce, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board created Zeus Certifications. Zeus is an online learning platform that offers short-term, postsecondary credential opportunities. Each certification will be industry-recognized and incorporate the skills and knowledge required by high-demand careers.
Schools within the Texas State University System are working together to bring these certification courses to you in a way that will create multiple pathways to success—through earning college credit, a certification, or advancing with your current employer.
Create a path to your destiny with one of our cutting-edge certification programs! Our courses are fully online and designed to be completed in under a year so you can jumpstart your career.
Data provides a roadmap to navigate the path toward improved mental health in Travis County. Putting reliable community-level data in an accessible dashboard gives busy professionals a simple tool to visualize local mental health trends and service gaps. This course will equip participants with the knowledge and skills to build and use a customized mental health dashboard for their organization. The program takes advantage of a user-friendly dashboard design, coupled with datasets reflecting key mental health issues. The resulting dashboards can also be used to share compelling narratives about the state of mental health in Central Texas for grants and policy briefs. No prior experience with data or data analysis is necessary for this course.
Data scientists and other mathematical science occupations have an expected career growth of 31% between 2019 to 2029, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.It's a specialty that's continuing to growsignificantly across all industries.
Quickly earn one or both of these certifications:
Want to harness the power of maps to explore and impact public health in your community?
Join our fully online, asynchronous, hands-on course and learn how to use ArcGIS Online, the leading platform in GIS, to analyze, visualize, and share impactful place-based research and maps. Whether you're a beginner or have some GIS experience, this course will give you the practical skills to dive into real-world public health indicators and make data-driven decisions.
Unlock the potential of spatial data to make a difference in your community and gain valuable tools for your professional toolkit.
Our experienced faculty from public Texas universities in conjunction with local business advisors are working hard to create additional certification courses. Check back as new courses will be coming to Zeus Certifications in the near future!